(Folk story from Vanegas, SLP)
The story I’m about to tell you is true; it often happens here, in Vanegas. And I have seen it myself!
On that side of the road ― “The Barrio”, as we call it ― a lot of people say that they often see an old wagon pass at midnight. Nothing else, just the mysterious shape of an old wagon, bumping slowly along the road, with a silent driver in a big, black cloak... What’s more, you can also hear the wagon, clattering and creaking, as it makes its way along the dusty, old, unpaved road.
The strange thing is that whenever anybody sees or hears the old wagon go by, everyone knows that something awful is going to happen.
As you very well know, people don’t generally drive these old wagons anymore; they’re almost obsolete. Only a few small farmers still use them now and again, to carry their alfalfa or other crops at harvest time. So, it’s rather unusual to see such an old wagon these days.

Now this is the good part of the story ― or maybe it’s the bad part, really! From time to time, feeling very brave as young people often do, some youth or other will start to follow the wagon. But guess what? When they see that the wagon drives straight to the cemetery, they all run away as fast as their legs can carry them. Then, the wagon drives straight through the locked gates and... disappears! Folk tale found in Homero Adame's blog.
If you wish to read more Mexican folk tales, follow this link:
2 comentarios:
Dear Homero:
I didn't know about the folk stories in English on your blogs until Miranda told me. Wow, it's amazing that you do that as well. I know your English is much better than mine (apologies for the mistakes), and that you always speak English at home. Great team you have.
I don't see many coments here on this new blog, but I'm sure it's got a lot of readers. Your stories are thusly going beyond the frontiers of Mexico.
My best wishes to you for this year and the years to come.
Thanks for the good wishes, which I reciprocate. It's true, this blog has a lot of visitors, but not many leave messages. That's okay, as long as these folk stories reach other landas...
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